Raising the bar in 2020

Alright alright, I know I’m almost an entire month late with this one. But better late then never right?

I’m so excited to share the humongous goals I’ve set for 2020- this is going to be a year full of accomplishments and moving on to bigger and better things.

Be more consistent

When it comes to my blog and specifically social media, the one thing that I lack is consistency. I mentioned this a little bit in my last coffee convo’s post, but I’m reiterating it here in my goals for the year.

When it comes to blogging, IG, Twitter, etc– there are periods of time that I find I’m super active and posting daily (or a couple times a week when it comes to the blog) and then there are periods of time that I completely disappear from the social scene.

My goal for 2020 is to stop disappearing randomly on all of you. I’m going to aim to schedule posts so that I’m posting at least once daily on all the socials, and twice weekly on the blog. Scheduling posts ahead of time will help me keep up with providing content, and it will also help me to create content at times when my creativity is flowing instead of waiting for ideas to come when the day arrives.

Grow my audience

Over the course of 2020 I want to grow my audience and following on the blog and all my other social networks. I love that I have this platform to share all my crazy thoughts, connect with you all, and experience great opportunities! I consider you all close personal friends and I want to continue to inspire you, help you with DIY’s, and always keep you up to date on the latest happenings in my crazy life.

In this coffee convo’s post I talked about monetizing the blog, and when you monetize your blog there are new curve balls that you have to figure out how to navigate. One of the curve balls that I’m currently facing is monetizing the blog through WordPress Ads.

Another goal is to grow my audience over the course of 2020, increase my views and following, and get approved for WordPress Ads. This will be awesome financially, ya girl is still paying off those student loans and saving for a house!

Read more books

Last year I honestly picked up a book once or twice and I sure didn’t come close to completing my 2019 Reading Challenge on GoodReads. This year I want to read more books and it should be easy because I have 4 or 5 new (aka thrifted) books currently sitting in a box that I have yet to read.

My goal for 2020 is to read at least 5 books, follow along my profile on Goodreads and make sure that I’m making progress!

Put more away in savings

Last year was an okay-ish year when it comes to putting money away into my savings account. This year I’m kicking it up a notch and working extra hard to save that down payment money for our house!

Every paycheque that I receive this year, I am automatically putting 20% of it into my savings account. This way I know that I’ll be contributing every two weeks and it will be an amount that I can afford while still being able to pay bills and buy coffee/takeout or whatever else I want/need.

I’ll be sure to update you all throughout the year to let you know how the 20% method is panning out, I have pretty high hopes!

Pay off student loan

For anyone else who went to post secondary and had to get a student loan, you feel my pain. So worth it, but gawd does it ever totally suck. And the interest?!? Don’t even get me started.

I am so hopeful that this will be the year that my student loan will officially be paid off. I have been out of school for two full years now, but just recently my Dad and Step-Mom offered to start contributing to help pay it down faster- they are honestly the best ever and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Grow the Etsy shop

I talked about growing the Etsy shop and what’s to come a little bit in this post, it’s going to be a big year for our little shop with lots of new products!

As you all know we are moving (in less than a week, eeekkk!) and the new place has an awesome shed that we are turning into our little workshop. Bigger decor pieces are coming your way and we are so excited.

Along with bigger decor pieces, I am experimenting with stationary products– I have the honour of doing the stationary for one of my very good friends wedding next year so stay tuned for all the prettiest paper things.

We’re doing decor, we’re doing stationary, we’re sowing lots of things and we’re rolling out knitted + crocheted products! So excited and so busy. Stay tuned.

Complete my Doula training

This March I’m starting my doula training and I can not wait! The course is online, and it is 16-weeks long although I actually have up to two years to complete it. It’s a very interactive course and I’m so excited to meet like minded individuals who are just as passionate about the maternal field as I am.

My goal is to complete the course within the 16 weeks that it’s running and have my first client by the end of 2020! I know that it’s going to be hard work and require a lot of focus but I believe that among all the other things that I have going on I’ll be able to prioritize and get it accomplished.

2020 is going to be a crazy, amazing, chaotic, lovely year full of growth and prosperity– I can’t wait to see what it has in store. What your goals for 2020? Let me know in the comment section below!

As always,


2020 is going to be such a big year- check out all my goals!

Deals of the Week: New deals every week, online only!

11 responses to “Raising the bar in 2020”

  1. Hi Nicole!! Looking forward to reading more blog posts from you weekly & I just added you as a friend on Goodreads! 😊 5 books is so manageable & I can’t wait to see which ones you get through this year! That’s amazing how much of your paycheck you save everytime– I need to do that, too!

    Best of luck on achieving all these goals this year! You got this! ♡

    Liked by 1 person

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